Monday, September 19, 2011

Hello interwebs...

Short jorts ftw
So... not sure where to begin with this or who even might be interested in what I might have to say, but here goes nothing. I guess the cliche thing to do would be to say something about myself making myself appear to be someone who might know what they're talking about with a list of long credentials and bullshit . If that's what you're looking for then sadly you've come to the wrong blog. I have no qualifications other than a love and passion for listening to and discovering new music. 
SO, a little about me. I'm 21, a college student at UCONN, studying political science and to list a few other titles: son, brother, twin, boyfriend, roommate, partier, drunk, Jets fan, accomplished college chef and drummer. 

Currently have two things in life that I'm in love with: 
1) my girlfriend-Holly, yes this is extremely cliche to put this up on here but she's been there through thick and thin and is really the biggest inspiration in my starting this. If for nothing else, this, whatever it might amount to, is for her.
2) My '92 Honda accord: almost 20 years and still kickin'. Enough said

What I want to accomplish through this blog:
A difficult question...If anything, to potentially give back to a community that has given so much to me. It's difficult to describe what music can do to human emotions, and it's different for everyone. For some, music just might be simple background noise, or something to 'get da party started.' And that's cool, but for others, of whom I would like to consider myself, music evokes a wide array of emotions, good and bad, and, in my case, can carry you through the worst of times and celebrate with you in the best.  Without getting into too much detail on here, music has played a pivotal role in my life this past year. It was a doozy to say the least. So to all of you out there, or nobody, here's to the beginning of something that I have no idea what it will turn into, and I think that's pretty fucking exciting.